Our Fees


We offer a professional conveyancing service to ensure your transaction is conducted efficiently and in a timely manner.

In accordance with SRA transparency guidance 2018, please find below our approach to Fees for the delivery of our Residential Conveyancing Services. If you have any queries or would like to discuss your property transaction in further detail, please call our Stalham Office on 01692 581231 or our Wroxham Office on 01603 783818.
Property Value Fee excluding VAT Fee including VAT @ 20%
Up to £249,999                                       £1,245 £1,494
£250,000 - £349,999 £1,300 £1,560
£350,000 - £449,999 £1,395 £1,674
£450,000 - £649,999 £1,750 £2,100
£650,000 - £849,999 £2,125 £2,550
£850,000 - £1,000,000 £2,500 £3,000
Over £1,000,000 To be agreed having ascertained
complexities of transaction
Expenses - Purchase Fee excluding VAT Fee including VAT @ 20%
Identity Checks £5 £6
Telegraphic Transfer fee  £35 £42
Three Day Payment fee £10 £12
Search pack (approx.) £208.34 £250
Land Charge Searches (per name) £2 £2.40
Mortgage arrangement admin fee £25 £30
Purchase of a Freehold Residential Property
Our fees* cover all of the work required to complete the purchase of your new home, including dealing with registration at the Land Registry and dealing with the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax (Stamp Duty) if the property is in England, or Land Transaction Tax (Land Tax) if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.
Stamp Duty or Land Tax (on purchase)
This depends on the purchase price of your property. You can calculate the amount you will need to pay by using HMRC’s website: https://www.gov.uk/stamp-duty-land-tax or if the property is located in Wales by using the Welsh Revenue Authority’s website: https://beta.gov.wales/welsh-revenue-authority
How long will my house purchase take?

How long it will take from your offer being accepted until you can move in to your house will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 8-10 weeks.

It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. For example, if you are a first-time buyer, purchasing a new build property with a mortgage in principle, it would depend on when the property is ready for you to occupy. However, if you are buying a leasehold property that requires an extension of the lease, this can take significantly longer, as the lease extension will have to be negotiated with the landlord. In such a situation additional charges would apply.

Key stages of the process
The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential leasehold property vary according to the circumstances. However, below are a few key stages as a guide:
• Take your instructions and give you initial advice;
• Client Care pack sent out detailing what we will require from you and next steps;
• Carry out searches;
• Make any necessary enquiries of seller’s solicitors including leasehold enquiries;
• Give advice on all documents and information received;
• Go through the conditions of the mortgage offer with you;
• Send final contract to you for signature;
• Draft transfer;
• Advise you on joint ownership;
• Obtain pre-completion searches; April 2020
• Agree completion date (date from which you own the property);
• Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened;
• Sending transfer and other documents to you to sign;
• Arrange for all monies needed to be received from lender and you;
• Complete purchase;
• Deal with payment of Stamp Duty/Land Tax;
• Serving notice of your purchase on your Landlord;
• Deal with application for registration at Land Registry.
*Our fees assume that:
1. This is a standard transaction and that no unforeseen matters arise including for example (but not limited to) a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction;
2. This is the assignment of an existing lease and is not the grant of a new lease;
3. The transaction is concluded in a timely manner and no unforeseen complications arise;
4. All parties to the transaction are co-operative and there is no unreasonable delay from third parties providing documentation;
5. No indemnity policies are required. Additional disbursements may apply if indemnity policies are required.
Property Value Fee excluding VAT Fee including VAT @ 20%
Up to £249,999                                       £1,145 £1,374
£250,000 - £349,999 £1,200 £1,440
£350,000 - £449,999 £1,350 £1,620
£450,000 - £649,999 £1,550 £1,570
£650,000 - £849,999 £1,800 £2,160
£850,000 - £1,000,000 £2,100 £2,520
Over £1,000,000 To be agreed having ascertained
complexities of transaction
Expenses - Sale Fee excluding VAT Fee including VAT @ 20%
Identity checks                                       £5 £6
Telegraphic Transfer fee £35 £42
Three Day payment fee £10 £12
Office Copies £6 £7.20
Office Copy Document £6 £7.20
Sale of a Freehold/Leasehold Property
Our fees* cover all of the work required to complete the sale of your property, including Redemption of any existing mortgage on the property. If you are selling a leasehold property, we are required to request a leasehold pack from your Management Company or Freeholder. They are likely to charge you for sending this pack and as this is a third-party charge and the costs may vary, we are unable to include this in any quotation, so please bear this in mind and add this to your quote once you know what fees are involved.                                      
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.
How long will my house sale take?
How long it will take for your sale to complete will depend on a number of factors. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. The average process takes between 6-8 weeks if it is freehold and longer if it is leasehold.
Key stages of the process
The precise stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. However, below are a few key stages as a guide:
• Take your instructions and give you initial advice;
• Client Care pack sent out detailing what we will require from you and next steps;
• Sending Protocol documents to you for you to sign;
• Obtaining the landlord’s pack if the property is leasehold;
• Sending the contract pack to the buyer’s solicitors;
• Assisting you in responding to any enquiries that might be sent by the buyer’s solicitors;
• Send final contract to you for signature;
• Agree completion date (date the property is transferred to new owners);
• Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened;
• Preparing completion statement including apportioning ground rent and service charges if payable;
• Arranging for you to sign the transfer and any other documents;
• Completing;
• Arrange for all monies required to redeem any existing mortgage to be sent to the mortgage provider;
• Sending the title documents to the buyer’s solicitors
*Our fees assume that:
1. This is a standard transaction and that no unforeseen matters arise including for example (but not limited to) a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction;
2. This is the assignment of an existing lease and is not the grant of a new lease;
3. The transaction is concluded in a timely manner and no unforeseen complications arise;
4. All parties to the transaction are co-operative and there is no unreasonable delay from third parties providing documentation;
5. No indemnity policies are required. Additional disbursements may apply if indemnity policies are required. 

Sale or Purchase of a Chalet                                                      £995                                                                £1,194
Leasehold Supplement                                                               £500                                                                £600
New Build Supplement / Help to Buy                                          £350                                                                £420
Leasehold & New Build                                                               £850                                                                £1,020
Freehold management company (sale or purchase)                   £300                                                                £360
Equity Release involvement in a purchase                                  £350                                                                £420
Property Value Fee excluding VAT Fee including VAT @ 20%
Up to £350,000                                       £750 £900
Over £350,000  Quote available on request  
Our fees* cover all of the work required to complete your re-mortgage including redemption of any existing mortgage on the property.                          
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.
How long will my re-mortgage take?
How long your re-mortgage will take to complete will depend on a number of factors including you obtaining your new mortgage and your lender’s requirement for searches.
Stages of the process
• Take your instructions and give you initial advice;
• Client Care pack sent out detailing what we will require from you and next steps;
• Carry out searches, if required;
• Give advice on all documents and information received;
• Go through the conditions of the mortgage offer with you;
• Draft mortgage deed and ask you to sign this;
• Advise you on joint ownership;
• Obtain pre-completion searches;
• Agree re-mortgage date;
• Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened;
• Arrange for all monies needed to be received from lender and you;
• Complete purchase and the redeeming of your existing mortgage;
• Serving notice of your re-mortgage on your Landlord (if you have one);
• Deal with application for registration at Land Registry
*Our fees assume that:
1. This is standard transaction and that no unforeseen matters arise including for example (but not limited to) a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction;
2. This is the assignment of an existing lease and is not the grant of a new lease;
3. The transaction is concluded in a timely manner and no unforeseen complications arise;
4. All parties to the transaction are co-operative and there is no unreasonable delay from third parties providing documentation;
5. No indemnity policies are required. Additional disbursements may apply if indemnity policies are required.
Property Value Fee excluding VAT Fee including VAT @ 20%
Up to £350,000 (No Mortgage)  
Up to £350,000  (with Mortgage)  
Over £350,000 Quote available on request  
Lease Supplement Fee (to above)                                       £500 minimum fee (Plus Notice Fee) £600 minimum fee (Plus Notice Fee)
Equity Release Mortgages £950 £1,140

Declaration of Trust in conjunction with purchase or
change of ownership

Effective Date : 15th May 2024

£195 - £295 £234 - £354
Wills Trusts Probate LPAs & Deputyship
Price and Service Information
All fee earners in this department are qualified Solicitors, the majority with many years’ experience in this specialism.
We sent out below our prices for Probate work and this is for Probate work in uncontested cases and where all of the assets of the estate are held in the UK.  Estates can be both testate (with a Will) and intestate (without a Will) and also subject to Inheritance Tax or free of Inheritance Tax.  The fees set out below cover all of these situations.
Single Will (No Inheritance Tax Planning)  £275 plus 20% VAT
Joint Wills (ie one each for a couple) (No Inheritance Tax Planning) £400 plus 20% VAT
Wills with Inheritance Tax Planning. 
These are more complicated. Hourly rate will apply.
£275 per hour plus 20% VAT
Wills including Right to Reside / Life Interest Package £460 plus 20% VAT
Severance of Joint Tenancy £150 plus 20% VAT
Living Will £150 plus 20% VAT
Single LPA
Property & Financial Affairs 
£350 plus 20% VAT plus OPG Registration fee
Single LPA
Health & Welfare
£350 plus 20% VAT plus OPG Registration fee
Single Package for both Property & Financial and Health & Welfare £600 plus 20% VAT plus OPG Registration fee
For a couple – LPA Property & Financial £600 plus 20% VAT plus OPG Registration fee
For a couple – Health & Welfare £600 plus 20% VAT plus OPG Registration fee
For a couple both Property & Financial and
Health & Welfare
£1,000 plus 20% VAT plus OPG Registration fee
All of the above include submission of the application for registration to the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) and a certified copy of each LPA once registered. Additional copies of each LPA are £5.00 per copy.
Registering an EPA £275 per hour plus 20% VAT
Plus Office of the Public Guardian Registration fee at £82 per application
Deputyship         £275 per hour plus 20% VAT and disbursements as necessary
We offer the following Probate and Administration service:
Option A
Where we prepare the papers to obtain a Grant of Representation our fees for this are 
(1) Where no Inheritance Tax is payable & IHT 205 form needs to be completed £995 plus 20% VAT and disbursements
(2) Where Inheritance Tax is payable or not payable but the estate is of a value that an IHT 400 form needs to be competed minimum  £1,500 plus 20% VAT and disbursements
Option B
To obtain a Grant of Representation and deal with the full Administration of the Estate our costs are based hourly.
£275 per hour plus 20% VAT

Probate Disbursements
There are certain stages in the process of dealing with an estate and as part of this we will undertake the following:
  1. A qualified and experienced Probate Lawyer will deal with the work.
  2. The provisions of the Will will be reviewed or, if applicable, the Intestacy Rules will be applied.
  3. If we are instructed under Option A we will undertake the following work:
  • Complete the relevant HMRC forms which will include calculating both the net and gross estate.
  • Complete the relevant HMRC Probate forms.
  • Complete the relevant Legal Statement using the online Probate Application process.
  • Submit the Application for Probate.
  1. If we are instructed under Option B we will carry out the following work:
  • Review the provisions of the Will or, if applicable, the Intestacy Rules.
  • Write to the relevant financial institutions notifying them of the deceased’s death and requesting up to date balances to apply for the Grant of Probate.
  • Write to all beneficiaries notifying them of their interest.
  • Write to all creditors establishing the value of liabilities.
  • Completion of HMRC forms including the calculation of the net and gross estate.
  • Establish the Inheritance Tax liability if any.
  • Complete the paperwork to enable to any Inheritance Tax liability to be paid from various assets.
  • Complete the HMRC forms to obtain the Grant of Probate.
  • Complete the Legal Statement
  • Make an Application for Grant of Probate via the online Probate process.
  • Submission of HMRC forms to HMRC.
  • Collect in assets and pay creditors.
  • Payment of all legacies and making interim distributions if appropriate.
  • Finalising the estate by way of a set of Estate Accounts.
  • Final distribution to all beneficiaries and completion of the matter in full with HMRC if appropriate.
There are in addition Probate fees which are payable of £300 + £1.50 per official copy of the Grant of Probate (VAT not applicable).
There are also potential additional costs in dealing with the estate by way of other parties providing valuations, requesting fees for this and also additional costs in dealing with the transfer of any properties from the estate.  We are able to provide a quote for this separately as and when the need arises.
It is difficult to give a time estimate of how long matters will take to complete an estate as all estates are different.  For the current time in dealing with a full estate it is possible for this to take up to 12 months and in addition we will sometimes give advice to an executor not to distribute an estate until a period of six months has expired from the date of the Grant of Probate due to the possibility of other claims being made but this is something that the Lawyer will be able to discuss when dealing with the administration of the estate if this arises.

Effective Date : 1st July 2024
Access Justice
“Capron & Helliwell” & “Capron & Helliwell Solicitors” are trading names of Capron & Helliwell Solicitors LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales (LLP Number OC442740) whose registered address is 6 High Street Stalham Norfolk NR12 9AN.  Capron & Helliwell Solicitors LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority – No 8000009.

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